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From the desk of the President

September 2022

I wish to, on behalf of the IBCPC board and all our members across the globe, acknowledge the passing on the 12th of June 2022 in Vancouver, Canada of Jane Frost, our Founding and Past President (October 2010-retired July 2018). We are sure that many of you will have seen the notification of Jane’s passing on our Facebook page and will have followed the family’s messages along with the livestream of the memorial service for Jane. We have listened to the wishes of the family in how we have acknowledged Jane’s passing. Jane was a visionary, and she was tireless in her call to action to grow the knowledge of the sport of dragon boating as rehabilitation for breast cancer survivors. Vale Jane, Rest in eternal and lasting Peace.

As I write this note I am sitting in the sun in Barcelona, Spain with one of my oldest friends from New Zealand (she lives in Barcelona), waiting to go to Banyoles, Spain to attend the European Nations Championship. It’s crazy how this sport gets into your blood and even if you are on holidays, or on your own time you still think about a dragon boat event somewhere around the globe to go and look at.

It is also fortuitous and with immense pleasure that we have at this time also welcomed the first BCS dragon boat team from Barcelona: Picam Dragon Boat Team. You can read more about their formation further in this newsletter.

You might have guessed that I have been lucky to escape the cool of the New Zealand winter. I stopped off to attend the first Bahamas Dragon Boat festival and was pleased to be able to help in an official capacity. I had never in my wildest dreams imagined that when we took the outreach clinic to introduce the sport of dragon boat racing to the Bahamas in late May of this year that a mere two and half months later, we would be attending their first international festival. From little acorns mighty oak trees certainly grow. The Bahamas Chinese Dragon Boat Association very ably led by Kay-Kay Tong and her committee staged a magnificent event. From the international breast cancer crews present to the first flower ceremony, the IBCPC member teams came to represent and to highlight everything that we are more than capable of. I won’t spoil the fun as further in this newsletter we have reports from two of our IBCPC Representatives on the fun they had in Bahamas. All I will say is bravo and well done to everyone.

It was fantastic to see the number of teams present (albeit less than usual) in July of this year, attend the first IDBF Club Crew World Championships (CCWC) in Sarasota, Florida, USA since Covid had put a stop to those events being held. Who would have believed that the CCWC in Szeged, Hungary in 2018 would be the last CCWC event that many of us would attend. Unfortunately, some of the teams at the 2022 event succumbed to Covid and had to withdraw from the competition, which diminished many of the racing classes. But the joy of finally being together to compete ensured it was an excellent event. Betty Solley, our membership, and new team development director was in attendance to represent IBCPC and attend the Council meeting. You can read more of her travels and the IBCPC President’s report to Congress further in this newsletter.

The Medical Advisory Panel (MAP) has been meeting and assessing important new information regarding breast cancer survivors and their recovery through exercise. We are excited to see the MAP proactively building a dossier of information that can be helpful to our cohort of paddlers. Learning of the steps our member teams are taking to also share this wider knowledge is wonderful. You can read more about these initiatives in this newsletter.

It is so encouraging, and it always fills me with both immense humility and so much excitement as we see new countries and teams develop globally. As I watched the first Bahamian BCS team form in only two months from when we took the outreach clinic there and to attend their first festival was outstanding. I personally cannot express enough the extreme pride I feel at being a part of this adventure with all these wonderful and inspiring thrivers.

Enjoy the rest of your paddling season in the northern summer as we prepare to wake up our dragons in the southern spring.

Take care, stay well and as always be happy.

Best wishes
