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Italy in lockdown from Lucia’s perspective

All of us around the world live in very hard times right now because of the sneaky COVID-19 virus. This virus has no borders, it comes and goes wherever it likes and as it pleases. 

My country, Italy, is suffering very much, we are shedding many tears over the >10,000 deaths. The tireless work of all the medical staff is so very moving to observe, they are taking care of all patients, not only as professional staff but also offering the last words comfort and kindness to these people before they pass. A simple word and a warm look in the loneliness of this disease. 

The thought of these people passing on their own hurts me so very much. 

As my own parents are elderly there have been several times over the last few years that they have been close to leaving us, but my brother and I have always been there, close to them, giving them all of our love and comfort. Because of the contagion, it is impossible to be with the loved ones who are dying which is the greatest tragedy of all tragedies.
I truly believe that the enforcement of isolation is the only way to help us to contain the spreading of the virus and to finally defeat it. I'd like to think that this enforced isolation is a really good opportunity to reflect on ourselves and our souls and on the environment in which we live, our lifestyle habits and how we wish to live together on this planet.

As we all know only too well every crisis is not the end, but it is a beginning, the beginning of a rebirth and a renovation journey, I firmly believe in this.

We Italians are united more than ever to overcome this tragic moment that seems to be so endless and I’m sure that the renewed spirit of solidarity of all of us will help the country to rise after such a painful fall. 

I urge you to raise awareness within your own communities about the dangerousness of the virus and its effects. Unbelievably still now there are 15 to 20% of the Italian population that are not fully aware of this and they want to continue to hold onto the lifestyle habits they have, which is frustrating the efforts of the rest of the population.

I want to sign off here with my motto of the 2018 Florence festival:

“Never stop trying, never stop believing, never give up”.

All the best to you, your family and your teams.