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Working out during a pandemic

By coach Linda Kuska

Lives have been changed, lives have been lost, jobs have been lost, businesses have suffered, everyone is self-quarantining, social distance/physical distancing are everyday words now.

With all this happening around the World, dragon boating just doesn't seem very important right now......right?? Yes, that is true but physical activity is so good for our mental and physical health.

Most dragon boat festivals have been canceled, paddling in a dragon boat is not possible since you can't do physical distancing in a dragon boat, gyms are closed, groups are not allowed to be together.

Dragon boating, paddling and exercise are all good for our mental health.....but how do you maintain your fitness in these pandemic times?

What are you and your teams doing to keep fit?

  • Zoom/Online Team Workouts: This actually works really well to talk and see each other and workout together. My team still maintains our usually training schedule but instead of being on the water, we do circuit training together online from the comfort of our own homes.

  • Online Fitness Club Workouts: Some fitness clubs have online workouts through Social Media with their Group Fitness Instructors, some are free to anyone in the World.

  • Home Workouts: Do you have a home gym that you have dusted off and are utilizing now?

  • Cardio: Are you running, rowing erg, paddling erg, biking, skipping, power walking? Anything to maintain your cardio.

  • Trying Something New: Are you trying an activity that you have never tried before? Yoga? Pilates? This is a great time to try them, there are many options online.

  • Rest the Body: Or, does your body just need a rest? Have you been going hard for years and have never had an opportunity to just rest? This is the perfect time to just rest the body and heal those "nagging" injuries.

In the meantime, there are many things to look forward to!

2022 - The International Participatory Festival in New Zealand is really something to look forward too!!

Dragon Boating will resume when it is safe to do so!

But more importantly, be safe, stay healthy and see you on the water when we are able!

Linda Kuska

21-year BCS paddler

London, Ontario Canada