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Letter from the President

Greetings to you all

As COVID continues to keep a grasp on our lives and elections have taken place in many countries, let us hope that here is an appetite for change as we move forward towards 2021.

I am constantly surprised by people’s behaviour towards each other and rightly or wrongly how they pursue their own agendas at the cost of others. According to the words of Stephen Covey along with the teachings in his book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” he said:

“Every human has four endowments: Self Awareness, Conscience, Independent Will and Creative Imagination. They give us the ultimate human freedom. The power to choose, to respond, to change”.

We all have that power within us. A diagnosis of breast cancer gives us even more power, more capacity to engage in free will, to respond and to change.

Response and change are part of the fabric of everyday life and the premise on which we at IBCPC operate: support and encouragement of each other, along with love, laughter, camaraderie and above all else, respect for each other.

We are all very excited to have two new directors join us on the Steering Committee. Linda and JoAnn will be working with the committee to implement the IBCPC Strategic Plan. They will be focusing on the areas of promotion, outreach and the pathway for team support. If you missed the bio’s for Linda Kuska and JoAnn Moore you can find these on the website at

Despite the fact that many of our teams cannot be on the water due to COVID restrictions, the IBCPC SC will be carrying on with our work and are very excited by the prospects of continuing to support existing teams. Importantly we continue to spread the knowledge that “exercise is medicine” and that we are committed to promoting the establishment and development of breast cancer dragon boat paddling through inclusiveness and participation.

Stay safe, continue to look after yourselves and each other.

Meri Gibson
