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Updates from Argentina

New DB coaches in Argentina arose. Despite the Corona virus pandemic in 2020, we had some positive things to talk about,

  • We had learnt how to use zoom meetings platform to communicate with many people in Argentina and all around the World.

  • We had continued with our team ́s training from our homes, in a remote way.

  • We could paddle virtually! Something that we had never imagined before.

  • We could dream joining the IBCPC 2023 Festival in New Zealand; and dreams were a reality when we registered “Rosas del Plata” for the festival as the first South American team last January.

Once the protocols allowed us to return to the water with our dragon boats, we began to paddle with face masks. Something strange, like as we were part of a science fiction movie. New reality. Only one person paddling in each seat. Fifty percent of the boat’s capacity completed. But we were so happy that nothing else matters.

Also during quarantine/lock down, two members of Rosas de Plata (Andrea Farias and me) took the USDBF Level 1 Coaching training course through zoom (from the Pan American Dragon Boat Association).

It was a very interesting course. We could share with people from all over the world (USA, CANADA, PHILLIPINES and other countries). Some of them were members of BCS teams. But definitely we are all very passionate for dragon boat’s paddling techniques.

So Rosas del Plata, a BCS team from Buenos Aires, has two new coaches willing to teach their members and to improve team’s paddling performance. Paddles UP!!

We cross fingers so the vaccine against covid-19 will be a success and we will join the 2023 festival with our sisters from all over the world with joy and team spirit (like as we did in 2018 at Florence Pink Festival in Italy).

Regards from Jessica Trumper (VP of “Rosas del Plata”, DB team from Buenos Aires).