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How did I end up here? A warm welcome to Linda Kuska

People will often ask: How did I find myself in this situation or how did I end up here? Linda Kuska, one of our new Directors is no different to the rest of us. We found Linda’s take on her foray onto the board of IBCPC refreshing.

How on earth did I end up as a Director on the Steering Committee of the International Breast Cancer Paddling Commission?

For anyone who knows me, they know that I like to be involved in many different things. I don't like to sit still, I don't like to stop thinking, I have been described by others as the "Energizer Bunny" and I'd say that is pretty accurate.

So, when I heard that the IBCPC was looking for Directors for the Steering Committee, I thought that maybe I could contribute something useful or at least share my positive attitude. I've been involved in lots of activities in my 22-year dragon boat career.... from a beginner paddler all the way to competing at the Club Crew World Championships....and so much more!

I've helped to start a BCS dragon boat team, mentored many new paddlers, am the Team Captain, cheerleader, plan many National and International team trips as well as having competed in them, Co-Chair of the Fanshawe Dragon Boat Festival, on the Board of Directors of Rowbust, Chaired the Communications and Sponsorship Committees. I am a Nine-time Canadian National Dragon Boat Champion in the BCS Division, 3-time Club Crew World Champion (Ravenna, Adelaide, Szeged) and have participated in 3 IBCPC Participatory Festivals.

So, I went into this thinking...I've got this.... I’ve been involved in lots of dragon boat activities...I know lots of things .... but when I had my 1st meeting with the Steering Committee of the IBCPC, it almost sounded like a different language!! The Steering Committee members knew so much information of BCS teams worldwide and I didn't know any of that info! But what an exciting meeting and what wonderful information being shared!

The Steering Committee members (Meri, Lucia, Ali, Jo, Betty, Janice) made JoAnn and I .... "The Newbies" feel so welcome and comfortable......thank you all so much for that!

I quickly realized that even though I have been around the BCS Dragon boating for decades.... I have so much to learn!

What I also quickly discovered is that the IBCPC Steering Committee has a very cohesive, strong, open, and transparent leadership from all the Directors which gives this leadership a very balanced approach to every situation.... this is exactly what every Board should strive for! JoAnn and I have the perfect teachers to help guide us into the future of BCS teams around the World!

Now that we have had a few meetings and we talk by email very often; I feel so much more comfortable with the entire process. What I really love about being part of this amazing group of women is that we can talk about anything. We can have open and honest conversations and talk freely about what we think. We can think "outside the box" and just put ideas "out there" and be creative. We can have intelligent conversations and get intelligent responses back ...... this is how great things happen!! Such an exciting future for BCS Dragon Boating!

I look forward to continued learning, to help grow BCS teams worldwide, but most of all to help communicate the positive message of the IBCPC.

I also have another role in Canada that I am extremely proud and honoured to be part the Chair of the BCS Development Committee for Dragon Boat Canada (DBC). I work with BCS teams and the Executive of DBC to oversee the development of BCS paddling in Canada. For the Canadian BCS teams, I love hearing from you, please email me with any questions or suggestions or even if you just want to bounce some ideas off me!! I really would LOVE to hear from you!

I am very excited as part of my role in carrying out the IBCPC Strategic Plan to be the lead on the BCS Dragon Boat development program and the future of BCS dragon boat teams! I am excited to learn about BCS teams worldwide and I am excited to be part of this dynamic group of women on the IBCPC Steering Committee.

Linda Kuska

IBCPC "Newbie" Director