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IDBF and Anti-Doping

Anti-Doping Newsletter from the Medical Commission Chair

Dear Members,

I hope my Newsletter finds you, your families, your athletes and coaches well. Spring is on its way in the Northern Hemisphere which means getting back into the dragon boat and out on the water again. The goal for some will be competing in the IDBF World Championship after a break of 2 years. It will be good to hear the beating of the drums and seeing the ‘dragons’ race again.

We still have Covid with us and it will be here to stay. Fortunately, now a much milder infection for the vast majority especially those who have been vaccinated. Like flu we will have to learn to live with it. The Championships will have a Covid Safeguard Protocol. This information will be included in Bulletin 2.

Once again, as mentioned in previous newsletters the IDBF, in compliance with WADA, is requiring all those PREMIER athletes who will be competing in the CCWC in Sarasota to complete the International Level Athlete module on the WADA ADEL (Anti-Doping Educational Learning) website. This website is easy to use. There are also modules for other level athletes, e.g. non-premier National Level (Seniors, U24, Juniors) who would also benefit from undertaking the National Level or Talented Athletes courses. There are also courses for coaches and other assistant personnel. This will also in the near future become a requirement from the IDBF. The education on anti-doping of all those involved in our sport should be a high priority of every federation. The athlete’s or coaches’ first experience of Anti-Doping should not be when notification for testing takes place and then going to the testing center.

TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption)

Premier Athlete submission to: by 16.06.2022

See IDBF website for TUE Application form and IDBF TUE Checklist:

Anti-Doping | idbf (

All other athlete submissions to their National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO) by 16.06.2022

I look forward to seeing lots of familiar faces at the CCWC in Sarasota and also to meeting those of you I have not had the pleasure of meeting in person. In the meantime, please stay safe and enjoy every moment on the water.

Bridget Walter,

Chair Medical Commission