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Global Paddling

We always say that you should be able to go anywhere in the world and hop into a dragon boat and paddle. This lovely letter came to our team in Christchurch after we had the fabulous Celine on board with us from the Plurabelle Paddlers, Ireland.

Hi Ladies,

Greetings from the Emerald Isle.

I arrived back in Dublin, Ireland, last Sunday 19th March, and am about over the jetlag by now !

I would like to thank you all for your very warm welcome you afforded me when I paddled with you recently in Christchurch. It was such a delight to be there on that wonderful sunny Saturday morning on the calm Avon River.

The camaraderie of BC paddlers is incredibly special, a bond that is shared no matter where we are in the world. However, the Abreast of Life ladies welcome was second to none, and it was a joy to be part of your training on that day.

The first lady I met on arrival was Kay who immediately made me feel at ease - and from then on, I met more of you - to mention but a few ; Janice, Dorothy, Meri, and of course your wonderful coach Evan. I did not get to meet you on this occasion Carmel - but appreciate all your communications with me over the last few months to make all this possible. A particular mention goes to "Jo" who was my bench mate, who answered my many questions ! Please forgive me for not mentioning more of you by name.

This is the first time I have visited and paddled in New Zealand - and I do not intend it to be my last .... watch this space!!

Please let me know if any of you ladies ever plan to visit Dublin - we (Plurabelle Paddlers) would be more than delighted to have you paddle with us and ideally make you feel as welcome as I was with Abreast of Life.

Wishing you all every success in all your upcoming races and competitions - and in particular the IBCPC Festival in April in Lake Karapiro. Unfortunately, my club is not travelling on this occasion.

Til the next time, with renewed thanks,

Take care and stay well.

Warmest regards,
